Module Debug_protocol.Breakpoint
type t
id : int option;
An optional identifier for the breakpoint. It is needed if breakpoint events are used to update or remove breakpoints.
verified : bool;
If true breakpoint could be set (but not necessarily at the desired location).
message : string option;
An optional message about the state of the breakpoint. This is shown to the user and can be used to explain why a breakpoint could not be verified.
source : Source.t option;
The source where the breakpoint is located.
line : int option;
The start line of the actual range covered by the breakpoint.
column : int option;
An optional start column of the actual range covered by the breakpoint.
end_line : int option;
An optional end line of the actual range covered by the breakpoint.
end_column : int option;
An optional end column of the actual range covered by the breakpoint. If no end line is given, then the end column is assumed to be in the start line.
instruction_reference : string option;
An optional memory reference to where the breakpoint is set.
offset : int option;
An optional offset from the instruction reference. This can be negative.
Information about a Breakpoint created in setBreakpoints, setFunctionBreakpoints, setInstructionBreakpoints, or setDataBreakpoints.
val make : ?id:int option -> verified:bool -> ?message:string option -> ?source:Source.t option -> ?line:int option -> ?column:int option -> ?end_line:int option -> ?end_column:int option -> ?instruction_reference:string option -> ?offset:int option -> unit -> t
val to_yojson : t -> Yojson.Safe.t
val of_yojson : Yojson.Safe.t -> t Ppx_deriving_yojson_runtime.error_or